What's Shaking in October 2023


What's Happening this September?


Tueday, August 15th




Christmas Potluck Dinner

Hello everyone.  I know it's still early in the game, but I wanted to give you lots of time to decide what you will be bringing to our Young Living Christmas gathering.  I will have desserts and drinks already.
Looking forward to some laughter and great company.  See you Monday, November 28 at my house.  
Kari-Gail Roy-Jansson705-783-9599
Monday -Friday 11-1 pm; 2-4 pm; Tuesday also 6-8 pm; Saturday 10am-12pm; Sunday closed.

Black Friday Wowsers and Cyber Monday

Hi Folks, this Monday, November 22nd until Sunday the 28th, Young Living is putting on the craziest sale ever.  There will be 30 oils at 30% off, diffusers on sale and more products on sale for 35%, 25% and 20% off.  So if you have gifts to give or you were waiting to reactivate your YL account this would be a fabulous time.  To reactivate call customer support at 1-855-429-2616.  It will go smoother if you have your id #, 4 digit pin and the email you signed up with previously.  Anyone reactivating their account in the month on November will qualify for a free raindrop massage from me.  (if you can get to me)
Also, this Monday the advent calendar goes on sale as well as the kids roller bottles.  Heads up about the advent calendar.  It is 12 days and the products that come in those little drawers are apparently well worth it.  It is a sturdy calendar and can be re-gifted next year.  The kids line roller bottles are prediluted and ready to use.  They come in a beautiful array of metallic, dark rainbow colours. Just beautiful!
If you haven't seen the Holiday Catalogue yet don't wait.  There are beautiful gifts for others or just for yourself.  This is a time of self love!  Log in to your virtual office and click on the promo picture of the catalogue and it will take you right into it. 
These are two products that I am adding to my shopping cart on Monday.  What are you purchasing?  

If that wasn't crazy enough, Young Living is having a Cyber Monday starting on the 29th for one day only.  I have no idea what the gifts are on that day it's always a surprise.  

Happy shopping everyone.  Give the gift that keeps you on your journey to greater health.  Who knows where life will take you when you are feeling your optimum. 
ps if anyone needs help reactivating or ordering contact me at 705-783-9599

Kari-Gail Roy-Jansson705-783-9599
Monday -Friday 11-1 pm; 2-4 pm; Tuesday also 6-8 pm; Saturday 10am-12pm; Sunday closed.

Back to School/Boost Your Immune

Hello, hope you all are enjoying this glorious summer.  I finally managed to get a bit of colour on me.  This Tuesday, August 31st at 7pm will be the zoom call for Back to School and Boosting Your Immune recipes.  We have a special guest that evening as well so take the time to join us. 

The Thieves line will play a big role in this call, but we will be discussing supplements, things to do in your personal life to help boost the immune system and of course the various blends and single essential oils that will rock your world when it comes to protecting ourselves and our loved ones. 

Here is the zoom link see you on the call.  

Please join my meeting at August 31, 2021 7:00pm Eastern: https://zoom.us/j/93295920352?pwd=V3BFWUVpNHVKM0dHMStKd0QvY0wxUT09

Meeting ID: 932 9592 0352
Meeting password: 658417

Phone Dial-In Numbers (optional)
You may dial into the conference with any of the numbers below and the meeting ID, or join by computer audio.
Singapore: +65 3158 7288
All other countries: See this list


Kari-Gail Roy-Jansson705-783-9599
Monday -Friday 11-1 pm; 2-4 pm; Tuesday also 6-8 pm; Saturday 10am-12pm; Sunday closed.

Pamper Your Face and Body

Hi everyone, so this month's theme is all about taking care of your skin, the largest organ of our body.  Not only will we be discussing the 8 recipes that went out, but also tips on healthier, younger looking skin.  
Sue and I will chat about tips on making the recipes successfully and with less hassle than you would experience if you are doing this the first time.
There will be a prize drawn for the evening attendees and a question and answer period.  
See you Wednesday, July 21st at 7 pm via zoom.  
Please join my meeting at July 21, 2021 7:00pm Eastern: https://zoom.us/j/95254617630?pwd=TzltdzhJRzhHYWgzWWgvYis1S1dqZz09

Meeting ID: 952 5461 7630
Meeting password: 504446

Phone Dial-In Numbers (optional)
You may dial into the conference with any of the numbers below and the meeting ID, or join by computer audio.
Singapore: +65 3158 7288
All other countries: See this list

Kari-Gail Roy-Jansson

Kari-Gail Roy-Jansson705-783-9599
Monday -Friday 11-1 pm; 2-4 pm; Tuesday also 6-8 pm; Saturday 10am-12pm; Sunday closed.

Getting ready for the June Make n' Stay

Hello everyone!

Hope you were able to get outside and enjoy the day.  It was so hot it felt tropical here in Hunstville.
Here is a bit about the Thieves line with Young Living.  They will be the centre of all the DIY recipes on the zoom call 
June 5th at 1 pm eastern time.  Thieves is one of the more popular lines and helps make it soooo easy to throw chemical laden products in the garbage (or use them up) and make room for non-toxic, plant based amazing products.  They have you covered in the bathroom, kitchen and for sure the laundry room.  

Join Sue VanKessel and myself as we walk you through the recipes and show you how to make them more potent and stretch them for more bang for your bucks.  We have made the recipes ahead of time to allow for some experimenting which we will share on Saturday the 5th.  

The zoom link and recipes will be sent out closer to the date.  Looking forward to seeing you there.  Feel free to bring a friend who you are trying to introduce to Young Living.

(Please do not share this bundle as it is a paid product and thus needs verification of purchase to share.)

Go to this Sway

Kari-Gail Roy-Jansson705-783-9599
Monday -Friday 11-1 pm; 2-4 pm; Tuesday also 6-8 pm; Saturday 10am-12pm; Sunday closed.

10 % off sale

Young Living has put all of their 10 starter kits on sale for 10% off until April 30th.  If you have not seen their new kits check them out. They range in prices.  
Also, Carla and Bill Green have a little treasure hunt for those who are signed up in their group.  If you watch three short videos and answer a few questions they will add a 10 dollar product credit to your account.  That's like getting your shipping paid for. 
If you have any questions or know of anyone who will benefit connect them with me.  
To reactivate your account call Calgary 1-855-429-2616 and have your id number and four digit pin handy.  If not they can do their best to help you. 
Enjoy the last few days of April
Kari-Gail Roy-Jansson705-783-9599
Monday -Friday 11-1 pm; 2-4 pm; Tuesday also 6-8 pm; Saturday 10am-12pm; Sunday closed.
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