Hello Everyone, there are a few things to inform you about. I now have had my Energy Enhancement System up and running for 7 weeks and already we have experienced a lot of amazing testimonials that have been posted on FB and IG. I have new hours as of September to hopefully accommodate the majority. We are now open for one session on Saturday and an evening session on Tuesday along with Monday through Friday 11-1 pm and 2-4 pm. (except for this Tuesday as it is the Community Event).

Community Events coming up include Dave Garland presenting both next Tuesday and Wednesday on the same topic so choose either one or the other evening.

To learn more about the EESystem go to my website as the home page has videos and literature describing what you can expect, describing what the system can do and tons of testimonials.
Have a blessed September
Kari-Gail Roy-Jansson

Monday -Friday 11-1 pm; 2-4 pm; Tuesday also 6-8 pm; Saturday 10am-12pm; Sunday closed.
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