Hello, hope you all are enjoying this glorious summer. I finally managed to get a bit of colour on me. This Tuesday, August 31st at 7pm will be the zoom call for Back to School and Boosting Your Immune recipes. We have a special guest that evening as well so take the time to join us.

The Thieves line will play a big role in this call, but we will be discussing supplements, things to do in your personal life to help boost the immune system and of course the various blends and single essential oils that will rock your world when it comes to protecting ourselves and our loved ones.
Here is the zoom link see you on the call.
Please join my meeting at August 31, 2021 7:00pm Eastern: https://zoom.us/j/93295920352?pwd=V3BFWUVpNHVKM0dHMStKd0QvY0wxUT09
Meeting ID: 932 9592 0352
Meeting password: 658417
Phone Dial-In Numbers (optional)
You may dial into the conference with any of the numbers below and the meeting ID, or join by computer audio.
US: +1 646 876 9923 or +1 669 900 6833
Canada: +1 647 558 0588
Singapore: +65 3158 7288
Australia: +61 (0) 2 8015 2088 or +61 (0) 8 7150 1149
All other countries: See this list

Kari-Gail Roy-Jansson

Monday -Friday 11-1 pm; 2-4 pm; Tuesday also 6-8 pm; Saturday 10am-12pm; Sunday closed.