Hello everyone! Hope you are all enjoying the beauty of Fall as the leaves change colours and the countryside bursts with eye popping scenery.
Here is a brief summary of what's going on this month you won't want to miss. 

1. Weekly Community Events (price is $60 per person for the 2 hours)
-Thursday, October 5th 7-9 pm Pyramid Code part 2 will be showing. This has not been released to the public and wont be until mid October. Come and see it here first.
-October 11th 7-9 pm Vibrational Raindrop with Angela Cragg-Losey. She will be demonstrating an actual session and everyone present will benefit from the smell of the Young Living essential oils and the vibrations from the tuning forks going through gemstones.
-October 18th 7-9pm come and learn a bit about the Young Living natural products
-4 th week TBA but there will be something we are still working on it so stay tuned!
2. Announcements
-I will be open Monday, October 9th which is Thanksgiving from 11-1 pm and 2-4 pm
-Sunday, October 1st I will be presenting at the Muskoka Spiritualist Church, 168 Muskoka Road, Bracebridge. Service runs from 7-8:30 pm. If you want to know more information regarding the Energy Enhancement System feel free to attend.
-If anyone is interested in having me present to their group connect with me and lets make that happen!
3. Special for the Month of October
Groupon Special- bring a group of people minimum 6 maximum 10 to Transformational Health EESystem and get a huge deduction off the price. Pay $60 for 2 hours! (everyone must pay in advance to secure their spot and make it happen) We can arrange this during the day or evening when available.
4. How to get a free one hour session!
Send me a testimonial either via video or just by email. Include your name and picture if you want. I will be posting them to social media platforms so by sending me a testimonial you are agreeing to this.
5. New package has been added.
Buy a package of 100 hours for $4000. This can be shared with family members. That brings a session down to $40/hour.
6. Testimonial

7. Health Tip
One of the most common issues causing aging is dehydration. A person can drink lots of water and still have crepe-like skin or feel thirsty. Some explanations for this coming to you from the inventor of the EESystem, Dr Sandra Rose Michael, is that you need clean water not "dirty" water to start with. Dirty water would be tap water with chemicals in it for example. It needs to be bioavailable as well otherwise it can not translate into our cells and be used properly. Bringing a glass jar with clean water (good well water, spring water) to your EESystem session and having it super charged helps reduce the surface tension of the water making it easier for the body to utilize it and hydrate the cells right away. The EESystem makes the water bioavailable. So far everyone can attest to the fact that their water tastes different and is heavier after being exposed to the amazing frequencies of the EESystem.
Thank you everyone who has already attended an EESystem session! This is helping me bring my dream to fruition to assist others more naturally!
Looking forward to an awesome Fall.
In good health,
Kari-Gail Roy-Jansson

Monday -Friday 11-1 pm; 2-4 pm; Tuesday also 6-8 pm; Saturday 10am-12pm; Sunday closed.