Hello everyone!

Hope you were able to get outside and enjoy the day. It was so hot it felt tropical here in Hunstville.
Here is a bit about the Thieves line with Young Living. They will be the centre of all the DIY recipes on the zoom call
June 5th at 1 pm eastern time. Thieves is one of the more popular lines and helps make it soooo easy to throw chemical laden products in the garbage (or use them up) and make room for non-toxic, plant based amazing products. They have you covered in the bathroom, kitchen and for sure the laundry room.
Join Sue VanKessel and myself as we walk you through the recipes and show you how to make them more potent and stretch them for more bang for your bucks. We have made the recipes ahead of time to allow for some experimenting which we will share on Saturday the 5th.
The zoom link and recipes will be sent out closer to the date. Looking forward to seeing you there. Feel free to bring a friend who you are trying to introduce to Young Living.
(Please do not share this bundle as it is a paid product and thus needs verification of purchase to share.)

Kari-Gail Roy-Jansson

Monday -Friday 11-1 pm; 2-4 pm; Tuesday also 6-8 pm; Saturday 10am-12pm; Sunday closed.