Happy Easter Everyone
Once again this holiday will be unlike most Easters we experience, but we do our best and try to stay safe while having some bonding time with our limited circles.
In this newsletter I want to share a product that I have been reintroduced to. I say that because I have used it for one thing only and now I found many other ways to incorporate into my life and my family's and it has become the latest "hero".
So many uses its crazy! We are currently using it on my husband's weird dry skin patch that is about 2 dimes sizes large, on his face and painful. It has been there for at least a year and constantly has thick dry skin he picks off. Now the area is soft, non painful and is slightly pinkish. For myself, I have found some respite from my alligator skin on my arms that happened after a trip to Cuba 2 years ago. My arms and hands feel so much smoother and silkier. I also heard other woman telling of how it is the best thing to rub on your perineum during labour. It helps prevent tearing and has a antimicrobial effect. Apparently it is great for minor itching down "there" as well or if you are in need of extra lubricant. (I know I said it ...we all need to hear it so just be grateful that someone said it out loud)
I don't know about your household but we go through lots of NingXia red juice and I do not like to throw those bottles out. Here is a creative way to repurpose them. Hummingbird Feeders. Maybe add some music and laughter to the party and voila some wholesome fun!

For those of you still on Facebook and want to see what was posted for the event called Journey to the Next Level feel free to go take a gander. Unfortunately you have missed out on the prizes but you can still see all the wonderful info I shared.
I am hoping that by May my new office will be open for business. I look forward to serving everyone to the best of my abilities. Once we are allowed I aim to start doing more workshops and will have some inventory in house. I will continue to offer biofeedback, reflexology supreme and raindrop massage technique.
Here to connect with you one drop at a time. Until May, be safe and kind to others.

Kari-Gail Roy-Jansson

Monday -Friday 11-1 pm; 2-4 pm; Tuesday also 6-8 pm; Saturday 10am-12pm; Sunday closed.